domingo, 1 de junho de 2014


My-fans is an innovative advertising platform that offers the best promotional campaigns and daily discount opportunities ... 

My-fans é uma plataforma de publicidade inovadora que oferece as melhores campanhas promocionais e ofertas com descontos diários ... 

My-fans es una plataforma de publicidad innovadora que ofrece las mejores campañas promocionales diarias y oportunidades de descuento ...

No Facebook:

No LinkedIN:

sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2014

Dicas SmartSharing - #44

Sabemos o valor do nosso trabalho e das nossas propostas.  Sabemos o que entregamos...e o esforço que colocamos para que a Acção SmartSharing resulte e ultrapasse as expectativas.

Damos valor ao seu investimento...porque queremos que dê valor ao nosso trabalho.

We know the value of our work and of our proposals suggestions. We know what we deliver ... and the effort we put into the SmartSharing Action to overcame your expectations.
We value your investment ... because we want to give value to our work.

Dicas SmartSharing - #53

We help you doing your job…try SmartSharing

The world is better with a Vespa #20 (coffee one)

One, please!!!

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

Why SmartSharing - #1

Myth #4. Social Media is the “Silver Bullet” (from Jeff Bullas)

Social media is not your marketing saviour.
You need to have contagious content on your websites and blog that people will want to share on social networks. You need to  relentlessly build followers, tribes and subscribers. This takes commitment and persistence. Don’t forget the role of traditional media such as email marketing.
We, with SmarSharing , help you doing your email marketing and, at the same time,  build your list of followers.  

Dicas SmartSharing - #42

Os 4 S´s do SmartSharing

  1.  O Smart Sharing surpreende o seu Cliente.
  2.  O Smart Sharing leva o seu Cliente a participar.
  3.  O Smart Sharing leva o seu Cliente a envolver-se.
  4.  O Smart Sharing leva o seu Cliente a entreter-se.

Dicas SmartSharing - #43

SmartSharing has developed a mechanism that helps you to do well your communication job.