30 Things You Should Not Share on Social Media
- What chicken you are plucking or cow you’re milking on Farmville on Facebook
- How many you have killed on Mafia wars or where they are buried.. again on Facebook
- Party photos showing you inebriated or a hand placed where it shouldn’t be
- That you are having a party.. you might get more guests than you counted on
- Photos revealing you flirting with the bosses wife at the annual work Christmas party
- That you are having an affair
- That you are thinking of having an affair
- Complaints about your boss
- That you hate your job and want to leave.. you might get your wish.. involuntarily
- Don’t share photos or an event that reveals that you were not sick that day at work
- That are you are planning to take a sickie
- Drama with your friends
- Issues with your parents
- Passwords.. unless you have more money than brains
- Hints about passwords like dogs names
- Images and videos of your children
- Updates on Facebook after you have escaped from Jail and on the run (don’t laugh it has happened)
- Revealing your thoughts about a court case… when on jury duty
- Don’t link personal sites to professional business sites like LinkedIn.. don’t mix business with pleasure
- Financial information such as how much money you do or don’t have in your bank account
- Personal Information
- How to get more friends or followers.. it already sounds like a scam
- You are leaving on a holiday
- The dates you are away on your holiday
- Your daily schedule.. burglars have been known to use these little hints to their advantage
- Showing you doing something stupid .. not good for personal branding
- Your bodily functions
- Revealing extreme views on Race, Religion or politics
- What you had for breakfast
- Finally, If you are not comfortable about it … don’t share it

Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2010/03/21/30-things-you-should-not-share-on-social-media/#BEg0crLvj8VclDoj.99