quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

Why SmartSharing - #1

Myth #4. Social Media is the “Silver Bullet” (from Jeff Bullas)

Social media is not your marketing saviour.
You need to have contagious content on your websites and blog that people will want to share on social networks. You need to  relentlessly build followers, tribes and subscribers. This takes commitment and persistence. Don’t forget the role of traditional media such as email marketing.
We, with SmarSharing , help you doing your email marketing and, at the same time,  build your list of followers.  

Dicas SmartSharing - #42

Os 4 S´s do SmartSharing

  1.  O Smart Sharing surpreende o seu Cliente.
  2.  O Smart Sharing leva o seu Cliente a participar.
  3.  O Smart Sharing leva o seu Cliente a envolver-se.
  4.  O Smart Sharing leva o seu Cliente a entreter-se.

Dicas SmartSharing - #43

SmartSharing has developed a mechanism that helps you to do well your communication job.

The world is better with a Vespa - #19 (duas beldades em Lisboa)

Duas beldades em Lisboa, sem ciúmes uma da outra. Enjoy Lisbon

terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2014

Dicas SmartSharing - #41

Getting to know your clients, it´s what Smart-Sharing

Without SmartSharing looks like this

Dicas SmartSharing - #40


So, how do you measure if you truly connect with your customer? Once you choose to focus on using social media to reach, engage and influence, how do you measure it? The questions you need to ask before you begin to decide are the social media activity indicators like retweets, shares, clicks, etc. are:
1.     Are your content and messaging reaching the most relevant and incremental audience?
2.     Are your content and messaging engaging enough to keep your audience in a ready-to-act or ready-to-buy state?
3.     Do your content and messaging deepen the relationship with your customer to help influence their purchase? ( excerpt from Gerry Moran)

The SmartSharing  power these bullets
- bring customers and prospects to your business
-   provoque  endorsement
- Show and disclose new products and services

Why don´t you try us... www.smart-sharing.com 

The world is better with a Vespa #18 (dia de ir ao mercado)

No mercado de Alvalade é assim