1. Publishing micro-content over time is like planting a seed amongst your community that this is information relevant to how you want to be known. Establishing attention and credibility through that content is prep for the larger content objects to be published.(by Lee Odden)
O SmartSharing ajuda a construir e partilhar conteúdos.
Gestão | Vendas | Marketing | Histórias | VESPAS | Coisas boas e um pouco de tudo What I think, what I criticize, my texts, other people's texts, interesting information from the eighth column and others that I find funny (I hope). I'll add some photos and anything else that comes to mind. Content by myself and some other stuff. email:joaodavespa@gmail.com / joao@jpmconsultores.pt Quotes: - If you think education is expensive, try ignorance - what you know is worth more than you think
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