“Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.”
Gestão | Vendas | Marketing | Histórias | VESPAS | Coisas boas e um pouco de tudo What I think, what I criticize, my texts, other people's texts, interesting information from the eighth column and others that I find funny (I hope). I'll add some photos and anything else that comes to mind. Content by myself and some other stuff. email:joaodavespa@gmail.com / joao@jpmconsultores.pt Quotes: - If you think education is expensive, try ignorance - what you know is worth more than you think
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta content. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta content. Mostrar todas as mensagens
quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2016
segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2015
Why Are We Creating Content?
Why Are We Creating Content?
The preceding exercise of any content marketing effort is to understand why you are creating content. As an SEO, my instinct is to assume it's for more organic traffic.
However, while keyword-rich content on an authoritative site may benefit SEO desires, does it still satisfy the site objective?
Content can be created for a number of reasons, including:
- Gaining social engagement
- Converting on-site objectives like lead generation or sales
- Building a brand or increase thought leadership
- Copy-cat tactics of the competition
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Simply put, it is best that all hands on deck understand the purpose of the content.
By me: contents may be universal, but there is always something we can add
Taken from: http://searchenginewatch.com/
quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2015
Content is the present – and future – of marketing
Content is the present – and future – of marketing
But what exactly is
content marketing?
marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and
distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a
clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer
Go back and read the content marketing definition one more
time, but this time remove the relevant and valuable. That’s the
difference between content marketing and the other informational
garbage you get from companies trying to sell you “stuff.” Companies send
us information all the time – it’s just that most of the time it’s not
very relevant or valuable (can you say spam?). That’s what makes content
marketing so intriguing in today’s environment of thousands of
marketing messages per person per day. Good content marketing makes a
person stop…read… think… behave… differently.
Thought leaders and marketing experts from around the world,
including the likes of Seth Godin and hundreds of
the leading thinkers in marketing have concluded that content
marketing isn’t just the future, it’s the present (see the video below on
the history of content marketing). https://youtu.be/9OHgMMpGLzk
The volume of increase available content is growing without
So, good content is the cornerstone of choice. What will
happend: The provision of content grows exponentially, our ability to
concentrate goes down, the supply of devices that take our time and attention
increases …so, bet in good content
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015
Smart Headline
Today we are overwhelmed not by Martians, but by mails and junk emails. A way of getting your email opened, is the chosen headline
Here are 10 ways you can ensure your headline is
magnetic (
1. Where’s the
benefit? – people enjoy reading articles that teach them something. Use your
headline to tell your readers what they are going to learn in your article.
2. There’s no need
to reinvent the wheel – people enjoy headlines that are “How To” and “List”
oriented. So, use them… even if they seem played out.
3. Stats are better
than opinion – if you have data that backs up your main point, use it within your
4. Put people over
search engines – adding keywords to your headline to make it more search engine friendly
isn’t a good idea if it makes your headline boring and dull. Write them for
people over search engines.
5. Create a sense
of urgency – by telling
your readers that they only have a short window to act on your information, you
are more likely to get them to read it.
6. Leverage
laziness – people don’t
like working, so leverage that within your headline. For example, your headline
could start off with… “the lazy man’s way to…”.
7. Appeal to
emotions – we are all
humans, and sparking an emotional feeling within your headline is a great way
to draw a reader’s attention.
8. Capitalize on
mistakes – people make
mistakes, so creating a headline that shows what people can learn from your, or
other people’s, mistakes can easily draw a big audience. My most popular post
on Quick Sprout is still about a handful of business mistakes
that lost me money.
9. Evoke curiosity – people are naturally
curious, so making your headline a question will encourage them to click
through and read your content.
10. The double
whammy – by combing a
few of the elements above and using them in one headline, you can create the
double whammy effect. For example, your headline might read “How to Increase
Your SEO Traffic with These 3 Simple Steps”.
sábado, 5 de setembro de 2015
Dicas para blogueiros e responsáveis pela publicação de conteúdos
Dicas para blogueiros e responsáveis pela publicação de
Quando era mais puto (pode retirar-se o mais), nas minhas
saídas nocturnas, costumava ter o dinheiro guardado no bolso pequeno das calças
para o regresso de táxi. Era o meu -.
Não hipotecava assim o meu regresso a casa. Os meus amigos, sabendo desse
pormenor, ofereciam-me boleia em troca
de um empréstimo.
O mesmo conceito também se pode aplicar a quem é
responsável pelos conteúdos que devem ser publicados nos sites, nos blogs…onde
for.. Ter um (ou mais) artigo escrito e
guardado em que o tema seja intemporal, que pode ser utilizado em emergências,
um tal conteúdo de reserva. É só
recuperá-lo e publicá-lo. Eu faço isso de vez em quando no meu blog. Tenho dois
ou três conteúdos guardados e, na falta de inspiração ou tempo, publico-os.
Idem quando só temos o fim-de-semana para preparar os
conteúdos. Nesse período alinhamo-los e programamos a sua publicação para os
próximos dias.
Mas esta técnica tem desvantagens: procrastinação. Pode
ser a desculpa que apresentamos para nós mesmos para não escrever.
segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2015
Tips for Life - #118
Sem dúvida que o conteúdo é muito importante. Todavia, um telefonema, para esclarecimento, por simpatia ou para introdução de qualquer um outro motivo ainda é uma ferramenta essencial. Em muitas ocasiões ainda é o único meio.
Afinal, porquê que andamos sempre de telefone? Não é só pelo Facebook...
terça-feira, 3 de junho de 2014
Dicas SmartSharing - #48
Think mobile friendly
When it comes to mobile marketing, the messaging has to be more concise. With users short attention span in the digital age, they are less likely to read a social post that is several paragraphs long compared to just a sentence. This philosophy should be carried out through all of your social channels.
How to increase engagement with social media
If you have a short message with a great graphic where a memorable character is giving away a compelling prize, you’ll see your interaction skyrocket! This will be the case on mobile or on desktop. Eventually, this will also lead to users becoming brand advocates for your social channels!
Read more at http://www.jeffbullas.com/2013/09/30/5-simple-tips-to-increase-engagement-with-social-media/#BvEbkq8zZEUmScoT.99
O SmartSharing por provocar contacto com fans, clientes, prospetcs...vai percebendo como calibrar as mensagens
domingo, 1 de junho de 2014
Dicas SmartSharing - #47
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Maya Angelou
Nós, no SmartSharing, colocamos o público a experienciar. Criamos novos interesses!!!!
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